So in an attempt to have daily material to post about, I'm going to start a series called "Learning is fun!". It will be an at least once daily post recounting something I've learned that day. At the end of the year, I'm going to release a book, print and online, which is a collection of these daily posts and it will be entitled, "Deuteronomy". The book, "Deuteronomy", will also contain original, never
before seen illustrations.
Please, stay in tune and keep me accountable if you ever so please. THIS IS WHAT I LEARNED TODAY
Today I asked myself the search query, "Is chemistry just all about electron flow?" , and I got this:
Jeff Comer, PhD in Physics, Assistant Professor and biophysicist
Answered March 21, 2017
95% yes. Chemical reactions and chemical properties can be mostly understood through considering the interactions of electrons with point-like nuclei and interactions between electrons. The interaction of electrons with electromagnetic radiation is also a big part of chemistry (spectroscopy).